One afternoon when I was reading Parents magazine I came across an article about birthdays. The article listed a website that had simple ideas for decorating cakes. Jaden's 1st birthday was coming up in a few months so I took a look at the site and found a cute idea for a train cake. Jaden's train cake came out larger than I expected, but it was reasonably easy to put together. Kit Kat bars for the traintracks, Oreos for the wheels, M&Ms for the cargo, and lots of food coloring for the frosting.
The cake was enjoyed by all, especially the birthday boy.
After some initial hesitation he dove right in and thoroughly enjoyed his cake, as evidenced by the mess on his face, and what was left on the floor. Jaden enjoyed his cake so much that he needed a bath afterwards.
When Asia's birthday came that year, I went to the same site to find a cute cake idea. Her birthday was not just any birthday, she was entering double digits! I thought her 10th birthday warranted a special cake so I looked through the site for a simple but cute cake. The butterfly cake was simply a round cake cut in half, and notched to make the wings. Then you just put the two pieces on a plate and decorate with candy to give the butterfly wings their pattern. Since cake mixes make two round cakes, Asia had two butterfly cakes for her birthday with five candles on each.